A Kidrobot divulgou mês passado sua nova coleção de blindbox, e a notícia não podia ser mais excitante: toys de 3’’ com os personagens mais marcantes dos programas mais hardcores da [adult swim]. Para quem não sabe, a [adult swim] é a programação especial da madrugada do Cartoon Network e passa vários desenhos e animações com conteúdo adulto (leia-se sexo, humor negro, violência, críticas à sociedade moderna e roteiros nonsense mais com muito bom humor!). Em breve estará à venda na PLASTIK, então fique atento!
Aqui vai a lista dos personagens do programa imortalizados em soft vinyl: (Retirado do blog Vinyl Pulse. Clique no link para ver algumas cenas dos programas no Youtube).
Aqui vai a lista dos personagens do programa imortalizados em soft vinyl: (Retirado do blog Vinyl Pulse. Clique no link para ver algumas cenas dos programas no Youtube).
Kidrobot anounced last month their new blindbox series release, and it couldn’t be more exciting: [adult swim]’s 3’’ toys from the remarkable characters of the most hardcore tv-show ever. For those who doesn’t know what it is, [adult swim] is Cartoon Networks special night program with lots of cartoons (of course) and animated tv-shows with adult content (I mean sex, practical jokes, violence, criticism of our modern society and nonsense scripts, but with a great humor!).
The series will arrive soon here at PLASTIK and we’ll let you know through this blog, so check it out here later.
Here is the complete list of the characters immortalized in soft vinyl: (Thanks to Vinyl Pulse. Click on the link to see some scenes of the show in Youtube).
Here is the complete list of the characters immortalized in soft vinyl: (Thanks to Vinyl Pulse. Click on the link to see some scenes of the show in Youtube).
Avenger (Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law)
Bird Girl (Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law)
Carl (Aqua Teen Hunger Force)
Dr. Girlfriend (Venture Bros.)
Early (Squidbillies)
Grandma (Squidbillies)
Ignignokt and Err (Aqua Teen Hunger Force)
Kill Face (Frisky Dingo)
Lil’ (Squidbillies)
Mad Scientist (Robot Chicken)
The Monarch (Venture Bros.)
Murderface (Metalocalypse)
Orel (Morel Orel)
Robot Chicken (Robot Chicken)
Toki (Metalocalypse)
+ 2 figuras secretas
+ 2 mystery figures
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