O VADER PROJECT é um projeto idealizado por Dov Kelemer e Sarah Jo Marks, da DKE Toys, uma das maiores distribuídoras de toys no mundo, que consiste em dezenas de artistas reunidos para customizar o maior ícone pop/cinematrográfico de todos os tempos, o capacete em escala 1:1 de Darth Vader.
O projeto inicialmente surgiu para comemorar "Star Wars Celebration IV" em Los Angeles, Califórnia em maio de 2007. Em junho o projeto migrou para Londres e em julho voltou para os EUA, mas agora com mais 10 novos capacetes para a SDCC em San Diego.
Esta é a primeira vez que o VADER PROJECT é exposto na Ásia. Tokyo, no Japão, foi a cidade escolhida para abrigar da exposição, que futuramente irá visitar diversas galerias e museus no mundo inteiro para finalmente serem leiloados.
Nesta edição, consagrados artistas japoneses foram escolhidos para completar o time de "ocidentais":
Os orientais:
Bounty Hunter, Chino, Dehara, Devil Robots, Gargamel, Itokin Park, Mad Barbarians, Mori Chack, RealxHead, Secret Base, T9G, Touma, Usugrow e Yoko d'Holbachie.
E os ocidentais:
Troy Alders, Kii Arens, Attaboy, Anthony Ausgang, Axis, Aye Jay, Gary Baseman, Andrew Bell, Tim Biskup, Mark Bodnar, Andrew Brandou, Buff Monster, Mister Cartoon, Mr Clement, Robbie Conal, CRASH, Steven Daily, Dalek, Cam de Leon, Bob Dob, Tristan Eaton, Marc Ecko, Eelus, Ron English, FERG, David Flores, Brian Flynn - Hybrid Design, Paul Frank Sunich, Huck Gee, Fawn Gehweiler, Mike Giant, Girls Drawing Girls, Gris Grimly, Joe Hahn, Haze XXL, Jesse Hernandez, Derek Hess, Jeremyville, kaNO , Sun-MinKim & David Horvath, Jim Koch, Frank Kozik, David S. Krys - DSK Designs, Peter Kuper, Wade Lageose - Lageose Design, Joe Ledbetter , Simone Legno - Tokidoki, Mad, Marka27, Mars-1, Bill McMullen, Melvins, Brian Morris, Nanospore, Niagara, Mitch O’Connell, olive47, Estevan Oriol, Alex Pardee, The Pizz, Plastic God, Playskewl, Dave Pressler, Ragnar, Jermaine Rogers, Erick Scarecrow, J. Otto Seibold, Shag, Sket-One, Shawn Smith, Winston Smith, Jeff Soto, Damon Soule, Bwana Spoons, Jophen Stein, Suckadelic, Gary Taxali, Cameron Tiede, Touma, UrbanMedium, Michelle Valigura, VanBeater e finalmente Amanda Visell.
The VADER PROJECT is a project curated by Dov Kelemer and Sarah Jo Marks, from DKE Toys, one of the biggest toy distributor in the world, which consists in several artists gathered to customize the most iconic pop/cinematographic character in the world, a 1:1 scale Darth Vader helmet.
Initially the project was created for exhibition at the "Star Wars Celebration IV", in Los Angeles, California, in may 2007. The next month the exhibition went all the way to London and then back again to USA; more especific to the SDCC, in july 2007.
Initially the project was created for exhibition at the "Star Wars Celebration IV", in Los Angeles, California, in may 2007. The next month the exhibition went all the way to London and then back again to USA; more especific to the SDCC, in july 2007.
This is the first time the VADER PROJECT is showed in Asia. Tokyo, in Japan, was the chosen to exhib the show. In the future it will visit many other galleries and museums in the world to finally be auctioned.
In this edition, top japanese artists where chosen to join the other "west side" team:
The eastern side:
Bounty Hunter, Chino, Dehara, Devil Robots, Gargamel, Itokin Park, Mad Barbarians, Mori Chack, RealxHead, Secret Base, T9G, Touma, Usugrow e Yoko d'Holbachie.
The western side:
Troy Alders, Kii Arens, Attaboy, Anthony Ausgang, Axis, Aye Jay, Gary Baseman, Andrew Bell, Tim Biskup, Mark Bodnar, Andrew Brandou, Buff Monster, Mister Cartoon, Mr Clement, Robbie Conal, CRASH, Steven Daily, Dalek, Cam de Leon, Bob Dob, Tristan Eaton, Marc Ecko, Eelus, Ron English, FERG, David Flores, Brian Flynn - Hybrid Design, Paul Frank Sunich, Huck Gee, Fawn Gehweiler, Mike Giant, Girls Drawing Girls, Gris Grimly, Joe Hahn, Haze XXL, Jesse Hernandez, Derek Hess, Jeremyville, kaNO , Sun-MinKim & David Horvath, Jim Koch, Frank Kozik, David S. Krys - DSK Designs, Peter Kuper, Wade Lageose - Lageose Design, Joe Ledbetter , Simone Legno - Tokidoki, Mad, Marka27, Mars-1, Bill McMullen, Melvins, Brian Morris, Nanospore, Niagara, Mitch O’Connell, olive47, Estevan Oriol, Alex Pardee, The Pizz, Plastic God, Playskewl, Dave Pressler, Ragnar, Jermaine Rogers, Erick Scarecrow, J. Otto Seibold, Shag, Sket-One, Shawn Smith, Winston Smith, Jeff Soto, Damon Soule, Bwana Spoons, Jophen Stein, Suckadelic, Gary Taxali, Cameron Tiede, Touma, UrbanMedium, Michelle Valigura, VanBeater e finalmente Amanda Visell.
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