Vamos aos top 3 que o staff da PLASTIK recomenda desta promoção:
3 – “Face of Fashion”: Qualquer livro ou revista pode exibir fotos de moda anunciando roupas e bolsas, celulares e carros, mas é muito raro uma fotografia exibir a verdadeira e pura face da moda. Face of Fashion reúne fotos de diversos fotógrafos de moda, como Corinne Day, Steven Klein e Paolo Roversi. Susan Bright colabora com um belíssimo texto sobre fotografia de moda, iluminando esta coleção de fotos que prometem revelar a verdadeira cara da moda.
2- “I Want to Spend the Rest of My Life Everywhere, with Everyone, One to One, Always, Forever, Now” by Damien Hirst.: É o livro de arte mais polêmico e envolvente que existe deste artista inglês. Tendo a morte como tema recorrente, ele se apropria de corpos de animais mortos para criar suas obras, tanto conservados em aquários de formaldeído, quanto dissecados. As fotos, obras e suas inspirações estão reunidas neste belo exemplar de capa dura.
1- “Toy Giant” by Daniel e Gio Fuchs: Daniel e Geo Fuchs tiveram a grande idéia de publicar um livro fotográfico de toys depois de conhecer o colecionador Selim Varol e seus mais de 10 mil urban vinyls. Não contentes em apenas fotografar, montaram contextos e temas políticos nas fotografias com heróis de plásticos que salvam o mundo.
Poste aqui no blog seu comentário sobre estes livros depois, ok? Boa leitura!
Another cold and rainy weekend in São Paulo! Just perfect to run to PLASTIK store and check the book sale – and run back home to rest with hot choco and marshmellow under the covers reading one of the books of our selection.
This is the top 3 the PLASTIK staff has chosen for this sale:
3- “Face of Fashion”: Any book or magazine can have fashion advertising pictures selling clothes and bags, mobiles and cars, but it is very hard to find a photography which shows the true and pure face of fashion. This book gathers pictures of many fashion photographers like Corinne Day, Steven Klein and Paolo Roversi. Susan Bright collabs with a marvelous essay about fashion photography illuminating this collection of pictures, which promises to reveal the true face of fashion.
2- “I Want to Spend the Rest of My Life Everywhere, with Everyone, One to One, Always, Forever, Now” by Damien Hirst.: This is the most polemic and evolving book done by the British artist. Death is a current theme of his works, he appropriates of animal bodies to create his pieces of art, may them be “alive” in a formaldehyde aquarium, or dead and dissected on a table. His pictures of work, art and inspirations are all gathered in the awesome hardcover book.
1- “Toy Giant” by Daniel e Gio Fuchs: Daniel e Geo Fuchs had the most amazing idea of publishing a book with pictures of toys after meeting Salim Varol and his over 10 thousand toy collection. Not happy about only shooting pics of toys, they thought it was nice to give them a politics flavor and world-saving super heroes.
Tell us afterwards what did you think about these books, ok? Have a good reading!
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