Video muito engraçado do Swear Bear causando horrores na New York Comic Con! Para quem não sabe, os Swear Bears são ursinhos que vivem em uma floresta encantada distante, no mundo das flores e dos coelhinhos. Eles gostam de falar palavrões o tempo inteiro e são politicamente incorretos assumidos. Você encontra eles no site da PLASTIK por meros R$ 65,00.
Here is a funny vídeo of Swear Bear troubling people at New York Comic Con! For those who don’t have a clue of who are the Swear Bears, they are cute mammals living in a enchanted forest far far away, in the world of the flowers and bunnies. They like to swear all the time, (therefore their name) and are assumed to be politically incorrect. You can always find them at PLASTIK’s website for only R$ 65,00.
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